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중국과 문화/중국의 언어

고사성어의 영어번역

by 중은우시 2006. 10. 24.

일거양득 : Kill two birds with one stone

일촌광음불가경 : Time is money

구사일생 : to have a hair-breadth escape

일생여몽 : life is but a dream

인생자구수무사 : Death comes to all men

대기만성 : Rome was not built in a day

인자무적 : The benevolent have no enemy

망양부뢰(소잃고 외양간고치기) : Better late than never / It's never too late to mend

불입호혈 언득호자(호랑이굴에 들어가야 호랑이를 잡는다) : How can one obtain tiger-cubs without entering the tiger's lair

모수자천 : to recommend one's own person

이독공독 : to set a thief to catch a thief

이일대로 : to wait at ease till the enemy is exhausted

목불식정(낫놓고 기역자도 모른다) : not know A from B

쇠뿔도 단김에 빼라 : strike while the iron is hot

자력갱생 : to shift for oneself

유비무환 : Good watch prevents misfortune

백문불여일견 : To see is to believe (Seeing is believing)

쥐구멍에도 볕들 날 있다 : every dog has his day

주마간산 : a flying visit

충언역이 : Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear

지피지기 백전백승 : Know your enemy and know your self

호부불견자 : Like father, like son

소리장도 : a smile to hide one's hate

해저노월 : to fish in the air

살신성인 : to sacrifice one's life to preserve one's virtue complete

살계언용우도 : Take not a musket to kill a butterfly

욕속부달 : Haste makes waste / more haste, less speed

소탐대실 : penny-wise and poundfoolish

양두구육 : cry up wine and sell vinegar

부귀재천 : Riches and honors come from heaven

화사첨족 : to paint the lily

무풍불기랑 : There is no smoke without fire

격장유이(벽에도 귀가 있다) : Pitchers have ears / walls have ears

도고일척, 마고일장 : While the priest climbs a foot, the devil climbs ten

중과부적 : There is no contending against odds

대우탄금 : to cast pearls before swine

화불단행 : Misfortunes never come single

종과득과 종두득두 : You must reap what you have sown / As you sou, so shall you reap

원친불여근린 : Distant kinsmen mean less than close neighbors

연목구어 : to get  water from a flint

모사재인 성사재천 : Man proposes and God disposes

성동격서 : to look one way and row another



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